Booking Enquiry

If you are ready to make a booking enquiry then please fill in the form below. Please provide as much information as possible so we can make sure that we can try to meet all your requirements.

This form is not a confirmation of your booking it is just a request, we will contact you about the booking and discuss and confirm. Make sure that you type your email address correctly or we will not be able to reply.

We reply to all emails within 24-48 hours. If you haven't received one please check you spam folder or give us a call.

Contact Us

If you want to ask us some questions then please get in contact with us, we are more than happy to help.

P: +64 6 844 4495
M: 021 139 5231


Do you have some questions? Have a read through our frequently asked questions page to see if your question has already been answered.

View FAQ's

Hire Agreement

All bookings will be subject to our hire agreement. Every hirer will need to sign this. You can read this below.

View hire agreement